3700 Church Run Parkway, Richmond, VA 23233

Poolside phone 747-3802 (not regularly monitored) Email:


2023 Schedule, Rules, Activities and Additional Information





  • Friday, May 26th through Sunday, September 10th
  • Additional September Weekends, Weather Permitting 



POOL HOURS (subject to change) OPEN CLOSE
Monday – Thursday:        When public schools ARE NOT in session
When public schools ARE in session
10:30 AM
1:00 PM
8:00 PM
7:00 PM
Monday-Thursday: Starting August 21st, when HCPS is in session 5:00 PM 8:00 PM
Friday: When public schools ARE NOT in session
When public schools ARE in session             
10:30 AM
1:00 PM
9:00 PM
7:00 PM
  Starting August 21st when HCPS in session 5:00 PM 9:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM 9:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM 8:00 PM
Holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day 10:30 AM 8:00 PM
Home Swim Meets: TBD Pool Closes at 3:00 PM



All Members should become very familiar with these rules and explain them to their dependents and guests. The rules are designed to provide for the safety of all members and the protection of your privileges. Please remember that the rights, privileges, and safety of all members should be respected. Failure to follow these rules will be grounds for the suspension of privileges, or loss of Membership.


  2. All coolers will be inspected prior to entering the pool.
  3. No glass of any kind should be brought into the parking lot or pool area
  4. The MANAGER and LIFEGUARDS have authority to:
  5. Enforce all rules and regulations
  6. Suspend privileges of any violators of these rules
  7. Restrict use of audio devices, squirt guns, and other water toys
  8. Close the facility due to weather, safety, or sanitation reasons
  9. Dispose of articles left at the facility
  10. Determine if children, who are without direct supervision from a responsible adult member, parent, or sitter, are qualified swimmers, or if these children display the necessary maturity to obey pool rules.
  11. CHILDREN under the age of 12 must be under the direct supervision of a responsible adult member, parent, or sitter.
  12. Any child under the age of 18 that conducts themselves in an inappropriate manner as deemed by a staff member shall be asked to leave the pool and will only be able to return with adult supervision for the remainder of the season.
  13. All members and their guests must check-in daily at the gate when entering the pool. Members must use their assigned key card to access the pool. If lost, member will be charged a $5.00 fee for a replacement card. Gate guard reserves the right to refuse access to any member without a key card. 
  14. Members or guests whose actions create additional expense for the operation of the pool are liable for the costs. (Example: Pool closure due to unsanitary conditions.)
  15. WEATHER:
  16. No one may enter the pool for a period of 30 minutes after thunder is heard and lifeguards, at their discretion, can clear the pool deck.
  17. The pool deck must be cleared completely for a period of 30 minutes if lightning is seen.
  18. The pool will be closed on cloudy days when the air temperature is 69 degrees or lower.
  19. For reasons of COURTESY, CONDUCT and SAFETY:
  20. When a member is using the pool, that member may reserve a chair and table. Otherwise, unoccupied furniture may not be reserved and is available for use by any member.
  21. Profanity, disruptive conduct, and dangerous, threatening or inappropriate behavior in or around the pool facilities is strictly prohibited.
  22. Skateboards, rollerblades, “Heelies”, or other wheeled and/or motorized devices are not permitted to be used on the pool deck or tennis courts.
  23. Pedestrians have the right-of-way in the parking lot.
  24. For SANITARY reasons:
  25. Cloth and regular disposable diapers are NOT allowed in either pool. Disposable diapers approved for use in pools, (such as “Swimmies”), must be worn by those requiring diapers.
  26. No food or drink may be consumed while in the pool. This includes all areas of the pool including the stairwell and shallow end.
  27. Trash must be disposed of in the trash containers.
  28. Bathing suits must be worn in the pool. “Cut-offs” are not acceptable.
  29. No shoes or crocs are allowed in the pool.
  30. Spitting is not allowed.
  31. Gum is not allowed in the fenced pool and tennis areas.
  32. Pets are not allowed in the fenced pool and tennis areas.
  33. Persons with open sores, bandages, inflamed eyes, pink eye, colds, nasal or ear discharges, or communicable diseases may not use the pool.
  34. For SAFETY reasons:
  36. Lifeguard must be on duty whenever the pool is occupied, including private parties.
  37. Glass, including food dishes, is not permitted inside the fenced pool or tennis areas.
  38. Use of tobacco and/or vaping products is prohibited on the premises.
  39. No running, dunking, pushing, “chicken-fighting” or horseplay will be permitted.
  40. Only Coast Guard approved life preservers are allowed and are restricted to the pool’s shallow end for use by children under adult supervision. Children with floatation devices, per the manufacturer’s warnings printed on the float, always need to be within arm’s reach of their parents.
  41. Masks, fins, snorkels, rafts and recreational floats, or any large floating objects that could restrict the view of the guards will not be permitted in the pool. Toys, including balls, dive sticks, water games with balls and squirt guns may be used at the discretion of the lifeguard based upon pool conditions. Permission must be obtained before toys and balls are allowed in the large pool.
  42. A strap shall secure eyeglasses worn in the pool.
  43. Weak swimmers shall stay in areas of the pool where the depth does not exceed their shoulder level.
  44. Only one person is allowed on each diving board at a time.
  45. Persons who are unable to swim across the dive well may not use the diving boards.
  46. Swimmers shall not remain in the water of the dive well area while diving boards are in use.
  47. Swimmers must jump/dive straight off the end of the boards and not to the side.
  48. Persons shall not hang on the diving boards, fill-pipe, lifeguard stands, or section divider ropes.
  49. Intoxicated persons will not be allowed on premises.
  50. Alcoholic beverages are to be consumed in a discreet manner.
  51. There will be a ten-minute “Adult Swim” at fifty minutes past the hour. This does not apply to the final hour before closing. All persons under the age of 18 must clear the pool during that period. Children may sit with legs in the pool but must not sit in the water on the stairs in the shallow end.
  52. Unauthorized persons may not enter the pump and filter room.
  53. The kiddie pool is for the use of children 5 and under. Older children are not permitted in the kiddie pool.
  54. Lifeguards provide NO supervision over the kiddie pool. Children in this area must be guarded by a member or babysitter who is 16 years of age or older.
  55. During non-pool hours, the pool area may be entered only by pool employees, board members (or individuals authorized by the board) or by swim team coaches and swim team swimmers who have scheduled practice during the morning practice sessions. No other patrons are allowed on the pool deck.
  56. Persons who are not pool employees, or who have no swim team responsibilities may not enter the pool area when the pool is closed.
  57. Parents shall pick up their child/children team members when a swim team practice session ends.



CAREGIVER PASS: A Caregiver Pass is a season-long pass designed for one person to allow a caregiver access to the facility.

  1. Members can purchase a Caregiver Pass for $50 per caregiver subject to the following restrictions:
  2. The fee for the pass cannot be pro-rated.
  3. Each family membership must purchase a separate pass.
  4. Family memberships cannot share a caregiver on the same pass.
  5. The pass is not transferable among caregiver or family memberships.
  6. The pass is valid only when the caregiver is performing childcare duties and accompanied by a child member.
  7. Caregiver may not bring non-members into the facility.
  8. Caregiver must be at least 16 years old.
  9. Refer to the Section on GUESTS for additional information.


  1. Each family membership is granted 4 guest passes to start the year.
  2. The hosting member must be at the pool when their guests arrive.
  3. Guests shall always be accompanied by a member. The member may not leave guests at the pool.
  4. A guest fee or pass is required of all non-members, regardless of age, who enter the pool area, even if they do not use the pool.
  5. Members between the ages of twelve and sixteen may bring only one guest at a time to the pool.
  6. No more than 6 guests will be permitted per day, per membership. Groups of over 6 guests will need to fill out a party form in advance, per the party form instructions.
  7. The pool manager will deny admission to guests when the facility is at capacity.
  8. Members may purchase non-refundable guest passes at a cost of $25.00 for ten passes. Guest passes are sold by staff at the pool’s front desk. The pool has the right to restrict the sale of guest passes. Purchased guest passes may carry over from one season to the next, but are otherwise non-refundable.
  9. Daily guest fees are $5.00 per person per day when no guest pass is used.
  10. Guests must register under member’s name and provide address.



  1. Members may use the pool during and after regular pool hours (fees apply). Please see the gate guard for details regarding private parties or email


  1. Lost items will be stored, however, CRCR is not responsible for property that is left, lost, damaged or stolen in or on the grounds.


  1. Lifeguards may terminate play for unsportsmanlike conduct.
  2. Games in the diving well, (such as “Sharks & Minnows”) – Priority shall be given to those wanting to use the diving boards and/or water slide, EXCEPT when there are ten or more persons playing a game in the diving well, at which time use of the diving boards may resume when the game ends, or in ten minutes, whichever occurs first.


  1. May be used only for tennis or pickleball.
  2. Approved tennis shoes are required on the courts.
  3. Bikes, go-carts, mini-bikes, skateboards, and skates of any kind are not allowed on the tennis courts.
  4. Gates must be closed and locked unless there is an authorized member on the court who has a gate key.
  5. Keys are the responsibility of member. Keys may not be duplicated or given to non-members.
  6. Replacement keys may be purchased at a cost of $10.00 to the member.
  7. Lights may be used from 8am until 10pm, 7 days a week.
  8. Violation of these rules will result in suspension of privileges.



The grounds, the basketball, swim, and tennis facilities are the private property of CRCR and intended for use by its Members in good standing. Persons using the facilities will be asked to identify themselves, so that names can be checked against the membership roster. All persons who reside in the Member’s household, and who belong to the Member’s immediate family are entitled to the rights of Membership in CRCR. All members’ names must be listed in the membership roster to use the facility.

Immediate family includes only the following persons:

  • Spouse,
  • Elderly parents of the head(s) of household who permanently reside in the household,
  • Unmarried offspring and legal wards of the head(s) of household who permanently reside in the household. Immediate family



  • Aunts, cousins, grand-children, nephews, nieces, uncles, etc.,
  • Grandparents/elderly parents who do not meet the requirement set out above,
  • Married offspring, sons- and daughters-in-law,
  • Siblings of the head(s) of household.


Rights of Membership are not for persons who are:

  • Offspring of the head(s) of household who do not reside in the household or who are over twenty-one,
  • Visitors, domestic workers, or au pairs in the Member’s household, regardless of relationship, residing in the household, and unrelated to any member of the household.


  1. The annual membership fee is the same for all member regardless of when they join the pool during the pool season (no proration of annual memberships).
  2. The annual membership fee must be paid in a lump sum (installment payments are not offered).
  3. Renewal applications and payment must be postmarked by March 31st to qualify for the early bird rate.
  4. Renewal applications for Class B memberships must be postmarked by March 31st to guarantee a membership for renewal memberships.
  5. A completed and signed application (by both heads of the household) and full payment are required to secure membership.
  6. A continuous membership must be maintained to be a renewing member. If membership is not continuous and the member wishes to rejoin the pool, they will pay for the previous year(s) of non-membership in addition to the current year OR the current year’s initiation fee and annual fee WHICHEVER is less.
  7. Class A member can convey their membership when selling their home. If a membership is conveyed the new owner will not have to pay the initiation fee.
  8. Renewal Applications and New Member Applications require 5 business days to be processed before access to the pool will be granted.


We appreciate members adhering to the above rules and schedules. Should you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a board member who will be happy to answer any questions. Thank you for adhering to our policies and have a fun, enjoyable season!


2023 Board Members

Chad Fairman, President                                 Kerri Swaim, Treasurer

Paul Gunther, Secretary                                  KC Funk, Maintenance
Paul Vizcaino, Membership                            Danielle McKinney, Social
Michele Stehle, Swim Team


To contact the Pool Board, please use the email: